Value of the Exam
The Tableau Desktop Specialist Certification is much coveted in the Data Analytics world. It assesses an individual's ability to perform complex analytical tasks. By this Certification exam, Tableau evaluates if you are aware of all the analytical features offered by the tool, and able to implement them to apt use when needed.
Cost and Expiry
The Tableau Desktop Specialist Certification cost is $100. The Validity of the Tableau Desktop Specialist certificate does not expire, unlike some of the other Tableau certificates. To pass the Tableau Desktop Specialist Certification Exam you have to get a passing scaled score of 750 from 45 multiple-choice questions (40 scored and 5 unscored) in 60 minutes. The Tableau Desktop Specialist Practice Exam below will give you a comprehensive experience of the main exam.
Official Exam Guide
The Exam Syllabus is available in the 'References' section of the Menu above. There is no eligibility criterion to take the Tableau Desktop Specialist Certification Exam. However based on our experts we recommend using Tableau for atleast 12-16 weeks with various hands-on activities before taking this test. Complete our Tableau Desktop Specialist Practice Exam below for practical problems and conceptual quiz. Choose 'Schedule Exam' from the References Menu above to schedule the final exam with Tableau after practicing.
Planning the Actual Exam
Detailed understanding of the main Tableau Desktop Specialist Certification Exam is essential so that we are aware of what the actual exam has in store for us. This will help eliminate any uncertainities. The Free Tableau Desktop Specialist Practice Exam below will help you acquire all the relevant skills necessary to succeed in the exam. The detailed article below will give you insights in Scheduling the Exam, Setting up the Environment for the Exam, Rules and Regulations of the Exam, Rescheduling and Fees, Role of the Proctor, and more.
✍ Welcome to the Free Tableau Desktop Specialist Certification Practice Test. All the questions here have been delicately crafted by our Certified Tableau professionals, and will help enhance your skills across all related Tableau topics. Our incredible pool of Tableau content continues to grow every day, making the exams even better with time. Every question in this practice exam is a part of the course syllabus of this certification.

✍ Download the Tableau Desktop Specialist Certification Exam Guide from the 'References' section in the Menu above. The Free Tableau Mock Practice Test below will give you an experience of the actual exam. For more complex questions and curated content get access to our Tableau Desktop Specialist Certification Premium Exam. It is crucial to note that your results in the main Tableau Desktop Specialist exam will be similar to our practice exams. So in the practice tests if you are struggling with some problem scenarios and questions, or not able to succeed in achieving the coveted passing score, or able to comfortably score more than 90%, chances are you will achieve similar results in the actual test.

✍ Get a Passing score of 75% in the Free Tableau Desktop Specialist Certification Mock Practice Test below. You will be presented with 45 new questions in every attempt. Time limit is 1 hour. Similar to the actual test. Please do not refresh the page during the exam. The Datasets for the test can be downloaded from the menu above.

How to Create a Rounded Bar Chart?
Rounded Bar Charts are a more visually improved version of standard bar charts. Displaying the ranks of values or comparing metrics can be effectively achieved with these charts. Bars are a robust tool to perform analysis on categorical data and perform comparative study. Often an area of concern with Rounded Bars, is that the ending curves tend to extend slightly below or over the boundary values. Such a scenario can give rise to precision issues for some cases. The steps to create a Rounded Bar Chart are below.How to Create a Lollipop Chart?
Lollipop Charts are a customized version of bar charts. They offer a visual alternative to side-by-side bar chart, or a Gantt chart. A Lollipop Chart is a bar plot where the bar is modified into a line and a dot, with adjusted sizes to create a Lollipop effect. It thus shows the relationship between a numeric and a categoric variable. ✍ The advantage of a Lollipop Chart is it's aesthetic appeal. The colors and sizes of the bar and dot can be customized to give a light and less cluttered feel when compared to a standard bar chart. In the data visualization world, we have a scary thing known as the Moiré effect, which is a visual perception when viewing superimposed lines and dots resulting in poor readability. A Lollipop chart definitively helps avoid a Moiré effect. The steps to create a Lollipop Chart are as below.How to Create a Barbell Chart?
Barbell Charts are also referred as DNA chart, Gap chart, Dumbbell chart, or Connected Dot Plots. It describes the change between two or more data points. The efficacy of a Barbell Chart is its ability to distinctively explain the change or distance between groups of data points. A Barbell Chart compares categorical data, and uses bars to measure the gap, and circles to highlight values. The steps to create a Barbell Chart are as below.How to Create a Bar in Bar Chart?
Bar in Bar Charts typically stack one bar over another bar. In a Bar in Bar chart, each bar is assigned an unique color and an unique width to identify them easily when they overlap. Bar in Bar Charts are useful for showing progress towards a goal, or for comparing measures for different periods, when both the bars have the same starting point. The below tutorial illustrates the steps to create a Bar in Bar chart.How to Create a Stacked Bar Chart?
Stacked Bar Charts allow comparison of values of components across categories, and how a larger category is divided into smaller sub-categories. Stacked Bar Charts help interprete the relationship of each part with the whole, also known as part-to-whole relationship. Stacked Bar Charts also helps identify which series contributes the most for making a total bigger or smaller relative to another, example while comparing Sales of USA Regions for a Store. A limitation of Stacked Bar Chart is in cases of bars far away from the axis, where it becomes visually complex to compare their sizes due to inconsistent baselines. ✍ A Stacked Bar Chart can be of two types, a Simple Stacked Bar Chart, or a 100% Stacked Bar Chart. A Simple Stacked Bar Chart shows the full value of the bar with the corresponding Segment Values. A 100% Stacked Bar Chart demonstrates the percentage of every Segment in relation to the whole value. The below video explains how to create a Stacked Bar Chart in Tableau of both types.✍ Another process to create a Stacked Bar Chart is in a scenario where we want to display multiple measures which are contributing to individual members of a dimension. This scenario is explained below. Here as well we can have a Simple or 100% Stacked Bar Chart. The steps to create a Stacked Bar Chart in this approach are detailed below.
How to Create a Radial Bar Chart?
Radial Bar Charts enable us to navigate the more complex capabilities of Tableau Calculations and create curves and arcs. Radial Bar Charts can help us build some stunning attractive designs. In this type of chart, the bars are shown on a Polar coordinate system instead of a Cartesian system. In a Radial Bar Chart, the bars on the outside are longer than the bars inside for the same value, hence we cannot use length of the bars to compare the values. Radial Bar Charts can be used in a variety of business and journalism scenarios to illustrate ideas and derive insights. The steps to create a Radial Bar Chart in Tableau are below.How to Create a Radial Column Chart?
Radial Column Charts are a modified form of visualization of our usual vertical column charts. In this type of chart, the bars are projected outwards from the center. In a Radial Column Chart, the heights of the different bars provide us with details for a comparative study, and helps identify outliers by noticeable height differences. An optimum number of bars is recommended in a Radial Column Chart, to avoid congestion with many bars packed closely. Radial Bar Charts can help us create spectacular and eye-catching visuals. The steps to create a Radial Column Chart in Tableau are as below.How to Create a Doughnut Chart?
Doughnut Charts are a customized version of Pie Chart in which there is a hole in the center. A Doughnut Chart helps measure part-to-whole relationships. Visually, we can analyze an arc length better than the size of a pie slice, which is exactly what a Doughnut Chart provides, enhancing readability. Another benefit with the hole in a Doughnut Chart is now we have more empty space to add labels and details to the visualization. Sometimes a Doughnut Chart encompasses two rings instead of one, for scenarios where we are depicting two sets of data, each ring will have its own number of arc slices. The steps to create a Doughnut Chart in Tableau are below.How to Create a Pareto Chart?
Pareto Charts are conceptualized on on the Pareto Principle that helps identify the vital (20%) inputs producing the maximum (80%) results. The inputs are portrayed in bars in the order of importance and value. Vilfredo Pareto (1848 - 1923), observed that 20% of the pea pods in his garden were accounting for 80% of the peas. Pareto expanded this principle further to macroeconomics by showing that 80% of the wealth in Italy was owned by 20% of the population. The 80-20 rule, which is also known as the Pareto principle, was introduced in 1906.✍ In this example above we can see how the % of Total Sales and the % of Product Count are adhering to the 80-20 rule. Now let's complete our Pareto Chart by adding the bars. Each bar will show the Sales of each Product Sub-Category in descending order. This will thus allow identifying the members driving the highest Sales.
How to Create a Gauge Chart?
Gauge Charts are a type of half Pie Chart with a needle pointing at the data value. It helps understand the change of a linear progressive value, or the changes of different entities over a common parameter. Gauge Charts are often used in dashboards and reporting to demonstrate schematically Key Performance Indicators across all industry domains. The below video shows the steps to create a Gauge Chart in Tableau.How to Create a Thermometer Chart?
Thermometer Charts help depict the existing value of a measure as compared to a target value. The progress and completion can be understood easily by looking at the chart due to the prominent color contrasts in effect. A Thermometer Chart gives an impactful presence in any dashboard and is very intuitive to look at. The chart is often expressed as a percentage of the whole, with a darker or lighter color showing the progress on a contrasting color space which gives the appearance of a rising thermometer mercury. The steps to build a Thermometer Chart are explained as below.How to Create a Span Chart?
Span Charts show the difference between the values of two data points. The difference in values can be either between the maximum and minimum values of a particular category, or can also be between two values from two distinct categories. The extreme endpoints of a Span Chart are frequently formatted for aesthetic and appealing designs. A Span Chart is also referred as a Floating Bar Chart, Difference Chart, High-Low Chart, and Range Bar Chart. A Span Chart enables us to add more information and details in the space created by eliminating the bases of the data points. The steps to create a Span Chart are elaborated below.How to Create a Waterfall Chart?
Waterfall Charts are a common form of data visualization which shows the cumulative effect of sequentially introduced positive or negative values. The intermediate values can either be category based or can be time-based, and they help interpret the flow how one balance moved to another balance. The Waterfall Chart is also referred to as a Flying Bricks chart, or Mario chart. Frequently in finance, it is be referred to as a Bridge Chart. The steps to create a Waterfall Chart in Tableau are as below.The Tableau Desktop Specialist Certification Practice Exam
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✍ The Tableau Desktop Specialist Certification Exam is designed to assess you on your functional skills of using the tool. Are you able to Join multiple datasets? Can you Blend different datasources? How comfortable are you with Dashboard navigation and analysis? Can you filter a set of data using Sets? Can you create a Reference Line? Can you use a Table Calculation with Compute by logics? Do you know the concepts of Discrete and Continuous? Are you able to distinguish between the properties of Dimensions and Measures? Can you resolve Practical problems with a variety of datasets on all these topics. We will walk you through in details on how to get prepped up.
Essential Training
✍ We always advise taking atleast one complete video tutorial course along with any textual guides or books. One of the best choice is the Official Tableau Tutorial Videos which provides short and quick learning experience on each topic. The quality of the training and clarity is cutting edge in every tutorial.

Real-time Evaluations
✍ Tableau Certification exams are all about learn, practice, repeat. In order to take your preparation to the next level, keep practicing our free practice tests with intelligent real-time solution walkthroughs, and enhanced score assessments powered by our Cobalt Algorithm. Each mock test brings with it an unique set of good questions for you to learn and practice from our vast pool of Tableau practice content. Our Vision Algorithm ensures the questions align perfectly with the knowledge and topics that you need to be thorough with.

Mandatory Tutorials
✍ Learning Tableau requires few strong foundations during the initial learning phases on which we can build on later. There is an interesting analogy by Elon Musk, the legend behind SpaceX and Tesla Motors, to view knowledge as a semantic tree. We want to make sure we have a robust foundation of the fundamental principles and concepts, i.e. the trunk and the big branches. Only after that, can we move on to the details, i.e. the leaves and the small branches. This approach works remarkably in accelerated learning at later stages. Investing 5-6 hours is an affordable price to pay for each of the below videos to learn detailed clear concepts.
We are frequently curious with the question on How to pass the Tableau Desktop Specialist Certification Exam because there are so many approaches around it with always changing question patterns. We are delighted to let you know that the Tableau Desktop Specialist Certification Exam can be passed comprehensively with only 12-16 weeks of extensive reading and planned problem solving. If all our candidates are able to achieve this Certification successfully, there is no reason why you should wait.
We will share our Top Tips to pass the Tableau Desktop Specialist Certification Exam.
Tip #1: Know your Exam
We want to emphasize again how crucial it is to go through the Tableau Desktop Specialist Exam Guide and solve the sample questions. You can download it from the References section of the Menu above. The Desktop Specialist Exam Guide gives a total overview of the entire exam in just a few questions. It is delicately crafted and thought through and you will realize you might be struggling in some of the complex questions. Make sure to keep a note of the questions and revisit the topics which it pertains to, you may need to improve and read more on those topics.Tip #2: Essential Videos
The Tableau Tutorial Videos are essential if you have not taken any other online courses. Also do not forget to go through the topics in the Tableau Help Guide. Also, check out our curated collection of videos listed in the section above on How to prepare for the Exam? Here we will suggest some more videos for Advanced Learning.On Table Calculations, we advise you to go through the below videos to get an exceptional understanding from Tableau Ambassador Anthony Smoak. Another exceptional Table Calculation presentation here by expert Tableau Zen Master Andy Kriebel, who is the Head Coach of The Information Lab Data School in London. On Level of Detail (LOD) Expressions, we have here a thorough tutorial on FIXED, INCLUDE, EXCLUDE and more by Bora Beran, Staff Product Manager at Tableau. You are not expected to write calculations during the exam. But it can benefit you with conceptual questions, or help you get to answers quicker if you want to solve a problem by using your own calculations. Parameters are one of the most crucial components of Tableau learning, the tutorials here by Andie Kriebel elaborate on all the essential details in an absorbing way. You will not need to create or navigate using parameters during the Desktop Specialist test but the concepts can surely enhance your overall score with crystal clear understanding.
Tip #3: Key Focus Areas
The Tableau Desktop Specialist Certification Exam has Conceptual, Logical, and Theoritical questions which if you answer diligently and correctly you can achieve a good score. The Exam Guide from the References section of the Menu above provides a comprehensive list of all topics. Out of these, we recommend to give focused attention to the below key areas and practice exams from our Quizzes here: Trend lines, Table calculations, Histograms, Parameters, Shapes, Size of Marks, Analyzing Maps using geographic data, Combined axis chart, Dual axis chart, Stacked bar, Extract vs Live connections, Purpose of .TDS files, Join, Blend, Union, Types of Chart, Group, Set, Uses of a Context filter, Reference lines, Add interactive or explanatory elements to Dashboards, Dashboard layout for mobile devices, Story, Sharing a twbx, Dimensions and Measures, Discrete and Continuous fields, Aggregation of Measures.Tip #4: Practice
Practice is at the essence of Tableau. Exploring logical problems several times daily will make sure you are well equipped with the tool and can resolve any analytical scenario whenever asked for. Such expertise comes handy during your examination as you can save your energy for the tougher problems later, instead of getting exhausted with the easier ones. And with a large collection of Tableau Desktop Specialist sample questions exactly like what you can expect in the main exam, you have all the preparation materials you need here at LearnTableau.Technology.Tip #5: Google
Google or any online site is forbidden during the main exam. The Tableau tool is not provided during the exam and internet access is also not present. So it is recommended to be comfortable with all the settings and customization options provided by the Tableau platform. Since the Tableau Help Guide is also not provided during the exam, it is also advisable to be thorough with all the key topics and concepts before taking the exam.Tip #6: Get to the answer
Tableau does not restrict how you arive at your answer as long as you get it right. Thus whether you write a FIXED calculation to derive Customer Sales for 2019 or whether you use a Year filter and get to the required Sales figure does not matter. The Tableau Desktop Specialist Certification Exam does not require you to write calculations, but that does not mean you cannot if you want to, often it helps get to answers quicker if you are comfortable with LOD and Table Calculations.Optimizing your Score
Tableau assesses your skills on different categories - Concepts, Connecting and Preparing Data, Analyzing Data, and Sharing Insights. You can download the Specialist Guide from the 'References' in the Menu above. Being strong in only one area and appearing for the exam can prove fatal. Unless you are well adept in every area, you are taking a gamble on your luck. Improving your score in Tableau is possible only through rigorous practice and well-planned topic areas to study. If you would like further guidance, take our practice tests, or use the Contact option from the menu and reach out to us. Mention which email id you used to give our practice exam along with the date and time. We will review your results and send you a personalized feedback.Continuous Assessment
Tableau does not provide you detailed assessment score breakdown results after you complete the Certification Exam, so you will never know which questions you need to improve upon or which questions you answered correctly. That's why taking our Practice Tests is critical where we provide you real-time results as you progress. Tableau clearly states that their exams are designed to measure skills, not enable skills. Hence their report only shows high level topic areas with percentage scores without further granularity.Understanding Dumps
Well, it is no wonder that we are all enticed by a notion of a Tableau Desktop Specialist Certification Dumps, that can enable us to pass the coveted Desktop Specialist Certificate with lifelong validity within a couple of days. But it can prove fatal during your exam if we take a route of Dumps. We encourage Learning Tableau. The concept of Dumps is not appreciable at all. It never helps learning, and is counter-productive. So if you are looking for a quick way to pass the test, Tableau does not work that way.Accessing our Dumps
However, if you can pass all our quizzes comfortably, chances are high you will pass the main exam. The Tableau Desktop Specialist Dump PDF can take a break for awhile. Tableau strongly emphasizes you must practice with the tool before appearing for the exam, that's why we request you to practice all our tests prior to the main exam. You can read more at our Tableau Certification Dumps.Overview
The Marks Card is used to control color, size, shape, detail, text, and tooltips.
The location of the Marks Card is in the middle of the Tableau Interface.
Below is a picture of the location of the Marks Card highlighted in red. The Marks Card shows the Color, Size, Text, Detail, and Tooltip options on the main interface. It can be used for creating very different and interesting visualization for which the options are endless.
In this post, we well cover some of the options of using the Marks Card to create visualizations but really, the options are endless. Tableau is such a software that we can write about endlessly and still there will be things and options left unsaid. The creativity with this software is endless and has yet to be shown and presented by the milions of data analysts using this software.
The different types can be selected from this Marks Card or can be automatically displayed (Tableau is that clever!)
For example, if we select two-dimension measures and drag them to the Rows and Columns, the type on the Marks Card will be Text!
If we drag and drop two measures on the Row and Column shelves the type will be Shape.
If we drag and drop a dimension and a measure on the Row and Column shelves the type will be Bar.
If we drag and drop date and a measure on the Row and Column shelves the type will be Line.
Furthermore, we are going to explain all the types in the Marks Cards and present them with one example.
We use the text mark when we want to present the data as numbers or in the form of a table. It is very simple to create this visualization of data.
For the example below, we are depicting the data for the Perpetrator race and the Victim race.
From the visualization, we can see that the highest number in the table goes to Black as Perpetrator race and Black as Victim race. The second highest will be Unknown as Perpetrator race and Black as Victim race.
We are using this type of the Marks Card for comparisons.
The example below shows the Perpetrator race and the count of victims for each Perpetrator race. It is easier to see the data like this and we only need a second to realize that most victims were attacked by White/Black Perpetrators.
The bad side of this visualization is that we cannot make the difference between the two highest Perpetrator races and their count of victims. We have to click on the bar and then it will be shown.
To create this visualization in different colors for the different Perpetrator races, we need to drag the Perpetrator race filed to the Color icon on the Marks Card.
This visualization can also be created the other way around – meaning – If we change the places of victim count and perpetrator race and we put the victim count on the column place and perpetrator race on the rows we get the horizontal bars.
We can also easily do that by clicking on the Swap Rows and Columns button, marked on the picture below.
We use this type of the Marks Card when we want to depict a trend over time.
For this example, we use Victim-Perpetrator data over time.
From the Legend on the right side, we can see which Perpetrator race is which color and see the trend of the count of Victims it has over the years. We are showing the number of Victims per Perpetrator race over time.
We can state that between 1990 and 1995 there was a spike in the Victims count attacked from Unknown, White, and Black Perpetrators.
In order to get different color for the lines which are depicting each Perpetrator race we need to drag the Perpetrator race filed to the Color icon on the Marks Card.
This type of the Marks Card is mainly used for relative comparisons which are using the size for comparison.
From the example below, we can see that the area under the Perpetrator race Black is the biggest area on the whole graph.
To create this visualization we select Year and Victim race count fields. In the Marks Card, we select the Perpetrator race under the Color icon – so we can have different colors for each Perpetrator race and we also select the count of Victims under the Text icon so we can see the numbers on the graph itself.
Square, Circle, Shape
These three types of the Marks Card are very similar and that is why we are explaining them all together.
Using a shape mark, we can represent data points with custom shapes from twenty available shapes.
All three of these types of the Marks Card are very useful when we want to see how dispersed the data is.
As shown below, white and unknown Perpetrator races have the biggest number of victims. We can see that clearly because those are the biggest Circles (Shapes) on the graph. Also, we have a different color for every Perpetrator race, but most importantly here – we have also Perpetrator race under the Size icon on the Marks Cars which is showing clearly on the graph by making the races with the most victims to be bigger in relation to the others.
We use this type of the Marks Card to compare region-specific information. The geographic dimensions are added as detail in the marks card and the measures like Longitude and Latitude are added on the row and column. Other measures or continuous dimensions can be added using marks like color, size, etc.
The example below shows Netflix Titles i.e Netflix movies/tv-shows by their country of origin. We can see the exact number of Netflix titles by country and also we are highlighting them by color with the warmest colors for the countries that have the most Netflix titles.
We do this by selecting the count of Netflix Titles in the Color and also the Text icon on the Marks Card. We select the Country under Detail type on the Marks Card.
We use this type of the Marks Card to compare proportions. It is very easy to create and also very easy to read!
In the example below, the data shown is the Victim count by race. We can see clearly that the highest number of victims are White, and they are followed by Black victims right away.
We do this visualization by selecting the Pie type on the Marks Card. We then select the Victim race under Text and Color, and the coun of Victim Race under Tex also so we can see the numbers clearly like in the picture below.
Gantt Chart
This type of the Marks Card is used with date dimensions to evaluate the relative size over time.
For this type of mark, we need to create calculated fields.
Calculated fields are calculations for which we are using the data we have and with the help of Tableau functions (like Excel or SQL functions), we are calculating and adding a new field in the report.
To create calculated fields we use the left pane of Tableau like shown on the picture below, or we can access them from the Analysis option in the main menu.
Gantt Chart is created first with creating two calculated fields for Start and End of the Activity (Event) and then creating another calculated field for the duration in days of the Activity or Event.
Duration in days is calculated like this DATEDIFF('second',[start],[end])/86400
The Gantt chart is created by dragging the Start filed to the Columns and the Product Name in this case (in general it is an Event or Activity) to the Rows.
After that, we drag the Product name (event or activity) to the color mark and the 'duration in days' field to the size mark. And the Ghantt Chart is done!
This type of the Marks Card is used for connecting data points to form an area. They are also called filled maps. But this option also allows you to create custom maps with shapes of anything you want!
This map can be, for example, a map of sales by U.S. state where each state is colored by its sales numbers. Essentially, Tableau is matching up the latitude and longitude coordinates all the way around the border of each state. With custom polygons, you are not limited to a prepared set of polygons like state borders—you can define shapes for anything like for example dog shapes, hearts shapes, etc.
In order to create a shape, first, you need the coordinates of the shape. This is one of the best features Tableau offers – you can build a map that has the shape of anything you want. A strawberry even.
Here, we can also use the picture from the geographical map which is shown above.
Certificate Validity
The Tableau Desktop Specialist Certification does not expire. Unlike the other Tableau Certificates, this Certificate is always valid and can be used to demonstrate your fair understanding of all the essential capabilities of Tableau. You can also find this Tableau Certificate Validity information in the official Tableau website.Retaking the Test
You can again appear for the test if you fail the first attempt. Use the Schedule option from 'References' in the Menu above and you will be set. However, we advise you to assess what happened in your last attempt. If required, Contact us from the Menu above with your score details and we can suggest you if any specific area needs more practice for you. There is no required waiting period between your first and second exam attempt. Should you need to take the exam a third time, there is a two month waiting period between each attempt after your second.The Tableau Desktop Specialist Certification Practice Exam
Become a Lifetime Tableau Member above at an extremely affordable price to get access to 1000+ questions, continuously Growing, and Unlimited attempts. You will never need to purchase any other test again. The era of Data Visualization is just beginning. We are just starting to realize the delights of insightful data interpretations. Tableau is growing by leaps and bounds with feature-rich version launches more frequently than ever. Having a Tableau certification will help you recognize your skills in the Data Analytics world, though having a certification is not mandatory. With diligent practice and practical use-case understanding, you can build an impressive portfolio where interviewers will be glad to have you onboard. A Tableau Public profile is also not mandatory, all that matters is your problem-solving ability and explaining how you used your expertise to overcome obstacles and arrived at creative solutions. Keep reinforcing your understanding of the business needs and how you helped the greater overall strategy of the business and you would be equipped enough for a much coveted analyst position.